The Frisco Roughriders are the AA Minor League affiliate of the Texas Rangers. They play played at the Dr. Pepper Ballpark (2003-2021) in Frisco, Texas. Due to Dr. Pepper being manufactured in the nearby Plano, Texas area the company purchased the naming rights to the stadium. The naming rights were not renewed when Dr. Pepper was acquired by Kuerig Green Mountain and later changed to Kuerig Dr. Pepper.
I’ve created this video series highlighting the cool features, quirks, and amenities at Minor League baseball stadiums. The series is titled Coolest Minor League Baseball Stadium Amenities. This series became an automatic hit after creating the first in the series.
Exploring and discovering the uniqueness of each stadium is one of my favorite parts of minor league baseball. A byproduct of creating these videos is meeting and corresponding with other passionate fans. That passion has led to what you see now, which is the Minor League Fan Club.
I believe this video features one of the best stadium amenities. Not just of the Frisco Roughriders but probably in all of minor league baseball. This is my favorite ballpark where I have actually seen a game at this time. I’ve visited one other ballpark that has a spectacular view but since I’ve only visited I will not claim it as my favorite yet.
Come back to read and watch the rest of the series. I will be creating posts for all that have been created and any future one made going forward. If you are feeling eager to see which one’s have already been done then check out the Minor League Fan Club Instagram or TikTok account.